Submission List of 筿戈м河ヒ-币祇Α程ㄎてよ猭
Assignment List
- Solve hw-01.jpg by any mean you come up with. (Due date: 2025-02-26)
- Plot hw-01.jpg using any tool you preferred. (Due date: 2025-02-26)
- Solve hw-01.jpg by hill-climbing (gradient-ascent) method. (Due date: 2025-03-05)
Please report the number of steps it takes to reach the optima.
Please also report a case of being trapped at local optimum due to improper initialization.
Sample Submissions
Submission List
Class | ID No. | Name | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Midterm | Final |
河ヒ | F112152194 | ǹ獵礩 | 02/25 | 02/25 | | | | | |
筿戈м河ヒ | F112169102 | 独春法 | 02/21 | 02/21 | 02/28 | | | | |
筿戈м河ヒ | F112169103 | ǹ猀 | 02/25 | 02/25 | 03/02 | | | | |
筿戈м河ヒ | F112169104 | 吵狶 | 02/25 | 02/25 | 03/01 | | | | |
筿戈м河ヒ | F112169105 | 独畑瓣 | 02/25 | 02/25 | 03/02 | | | | |
筿戈м河ヒ | F112169106 | ǹ | 02/24 | 02/24 | 03/01 | | | | |
筿戈м河ヒ | F112169107 | ǹ秈笷 | 02/22 | 02/22 | 03/01 | | | | |